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Re: URGENT!! Multiple WWW names on the same machine.

On Thu, 8 Feb 1996, Daniel W. Woycke wrote:

> >  I have this problem: I have a httpd 1.4.2(NSCA) server running in a
> >SunSparc5 with Solaris2.4. I want to have multiples WWW servers name on
> >the same machine, so if some one is looking for:
> >
> >  http://www.abc.com - can be redirected to:
> >  http://www.myhost.com/some_directory
> >
> >  I read that I must have multiple IP address to the same ethernet
> >interface, if I can't do that, How can I solve this problem???
> >

> Try using DNS to answer the same IP for differn domain names...

  I would recommend a solution like the following:

  Two IP addresses and domain names:


  On your Sparc 5: -> IP address assigned to primary interface (le0) -> IP address assinged to "virtual interface".
		   This is also known as aliasing a secondary address
		   onto an interface.  Solaris lets you have 256 on
		   a single physical interface.

  You can create the virtual interface with

  ifconfig le0:1 inet up

  (using the above example).

  Then, you can run two http servers.  One will automatically bind to the 
address running on the primary interface.  The second instance of http 
needs to have a directive which tells it to bind to a different 
address...in the above example  I believe this is part of 
the <virtualhost> directive in the httpd.conf file under some later 
versions of NCSA httpd.  I believe 1.4.2 supports this, but someone else 
may know better.  Read the fine manual.

  The second server can set DocumentRoot to a different directory than 
the first, and you're all set.


Brian W. Spolarich - ANS CO+RE Systems - briansp@ans.net - (313)677-7311
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